The way maps to anywhere is set up is very different than I had imagined this book and actually made the reading alot more interesting. The book really shows a variety of creative language through out and would almost make these stories seem unrealisitic, considering there is so much creativity in it. This is a true example of what a creative nonfiction story should look like.
One story that I felt really connected to way the one about the balcony, which had a few different meanings to it in my book. The way I thought he was talking about this balcony was, not just the balcony itself but when he brought up his neice and the game they played when she was little and how she out grew it and sort of wanted the ordinary things in life. I think he ment she started to lack her imagination, and the way he ties this into the balcony is how he saw how sad it looked. Then he goes on to imagine it in a prettier view and uses his imagination on what he wanted the balcony to look like. Then it helped me tie in why he had talked about the game he used to play with his niece I feel like this was sigifigant because, at one point the balcony he is looking at, had to be full of life. In other words it could of had an imagination of its own back in the day before it had become run down, and pretty much saying time changes everything.
Another story I liked was called "Under Water" I like this because this reminds me of somethings I used to do in the pool when I was young; such a fun game that could be dangerous at the same time. The way he refers to his moms hair like strands of seaweed and his dads swim trunks puffing up like a diaper were very creative details. Through out this story i get the feel that he loved to swim and talking about swimming with his parents brought back simpler and carefree times. The way he uses detail in this story is amazing, over all i thought this book was going to be something to do with traveling the world and was nothing of the sort. When evere you normally think of nonfiction you think of boring but this book was so creative you wouldnt even think of it as nonfiction.