Sunday, May 12, 2013

     I found the poetry packet to be very interesting and I learned alot of new things about poems that I did not know before. Poetry can have so many different meanings and I feel like that is the exact definition of creative writing, giving people the room to put the different writings in any perspective they want. I am not very familiar with poetry so that is why these readings where so different to me and at the same time they were very hard to analyze because words in some of the poems could have completely different meanings than you would normally recongnize them as. But that is what makes poems so unique because there are so many diffenrent types and styles and that is truely how you make a writing your own piece.
    One poem that I found particulary intestesting was known as a shakespeare sonnet, it was sonnet number 130. This poem was so interesting because, pretty much the whole poem he is downing on this girl he is talking about saying things like "My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun" and "Coral is far more red than her lips". But by the end of the poem if you read the couplet he wrote it pretty much explains no matter what I love this girl for who she is because she is beautiful to me. So I think its cool how he describes his love for this girl even if he is giving her a few back handed compliments.
    Not only was it the meaning of this poem that made this reading very interesting, it was the word choice that was choicen too. He used such descriptive words that would make you feel like you could make out a mental picture of this whole poem in your head. Not only did he use words that were talking about her appearence he also used words that talked about her personality and scent to so you could get a full picture. I thought that was very neat because the word choice is would made the poem so unique and that is creative writing. So all and all this week went pretty good and the material we covered was at time difficult to understand but very interesting when it was comprehendable.

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